Mythical Creatures
Magical Objects
Dark ArtsSo far the game play starts with 16 people in the first round. If I can manage to procure enough questions, we may even put in an additional round, starting with 32 people. We'll see how it goes. But for now I have room only for 16 contestants in the first round, then being decreased to 8 in the second, 4 in the third, and 2 in the fourth and final round, then one ultimate champion.
As of now I am about 1/4 of my way through coming up with questions. As soon as I recruit more judges I'll have plenty more in no time.
Some of the questions range in difficulty. Also, most questions will be straight-forward, black and white, right or wrong answers, but some may require an explanation in the answer. I'll talk more about this in a later entry.
I plan to hold tryouts to pick contestants in early October and have the actual competition in late October. There will be a minimal fee if you are selected as one of the contestants (at the MOST $5) and this is just so that I can buy prizes for the first and second place winners. I also want to give away a small consolation prize for those who participated.
Stay posted because in my next entry I'll talk about the prizes we'll give away!