Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This is how we roll... (Part II)

Hey everyone!

The other judges and I have collaborated over the past few weekends and have finally come up with all the questions needed for the tournament!!  We have even managed to create a handful of Sudden Death questions in case of any of you crazy HP fanatics tying with each other.

The categories have been updated and a few of them must be corrected.  Here are the new and improved categories you will get to choose from:

Spells & Potions
Mythical Creatures
Hogwarts & Hogsmeade
Magical Objects 
Dark Arts

And this is an example of what will happen in each Game:  In each Game there will be Player 1 and Player 2 (or Team 1 and Team 2 as you will see only for Round 1).  For the sake of example, Player 1 will go first.  Player 1 decides to pick "Magical Objects" and is asked, "What is the long pointy thing wizards use to do magic?"  Player 1 answers, "A spoon" and is declared incorrect.  The question is then passed to Player 2 for a rebound chance.  Player 2 answers "A wand" and is awarded 1 point.  Now it is Player 2's turn.

Player 2 can now choose from any of the 6 categories (6 questions per player).  Player 2 chooses "Mythical Creatures" and is asked, "Which creature breathes fire and flies?"  Player 2 answers "A dragon" and is awarded 2 points.  Now it is player 1's turn.  Player 1 can now choose from ONLY the 5 remaining categories he has left (all but "Magical Objects").  And this is how the game will proceed until all the questions are asked and all the points are tallied.

**Disclaimer: Actual questions in the competition will be Easy, Medium, Hard, or Very Hard (Sudden Death Only).  The questions in this example would be considered "Very Easy" and so nothing like them would be asked in the real tournament.

Once you are asked your question you will have 1 minute to answer and ONLY the first answer given will be accepted.  If the judges deem it necessary that your answer needs more clarification to be correct, "more information please" or "be more specific" will be requested.

In the even of a Game resulting in a tie, both players will be asked a Sudden Death question and must write their answers on pieces of paper provided.  The players have 1 minute to answer the question to the best of their ability and once time is up, the judges will review both answers and deem who came the closest to the correct answer.

So here's what you've all been waiting for:  The Layout.

There will be 5 rounds.  The first round is the only round that will consist of teams.  You will not know who is on your team until the day of the competition.  There will be 2 people to a team and only 2 teams playing against each other per Game.
There will be 8 Games played in Round 1.
1 Game=2 Teams against each other.
1 Team=2 Players.  Got it?

In this round, each game will be governed by two judges, to look like this:
Round 1:
Team 1=Red
Team 2=Green

There are 4 judges total, so in Round 1 there will be 2 Games going on at any given time, so 8 people competing at once.
Each team will have 6 questions to answer (one question per category), totaling 12 questions per Game.

Round 2:
Now it's pretty much the same as Round 1, except half the players.  Here you will go head-to-head with another contestant, with 2 judges governing your game.  8 Games in this round.  Now 1 Game=2 Players (instead of 2 Teams).  Each player has 6 questions to answer (one from each category) totaling 12 questions per Game.

~When Round 2 ends there will be a 20 minute intermission for a bathroom/food break.~

Round 3:

Here is where all 4 judges start to govern each Game.  There will be 4 Games in Round 3.
1 Game =2 Players.  12 total questions.

Round 4:

All 4 judges will govern each game in Round 4.  There will be 2 Games in Round 4.
1 Game=2 Players.  12 total questions.

Final Round:

All 4 judges will govern this last round.  1 Game=Final 2 Players.  12 total questions. This Round will determine 1st and 2nd Place Winners.

If there is anything else you would like answered, e-mail me at HPCompetition@gmail.com and I'll address it in the next entry.  I will be leaving for Orlando tomorrow at 4A.M. and will be picking up the prizes soon!  See you in a few weeks at the tryouts!!

-HPC Founder
Ravenclaw House                                 

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